

Доверявайки се на нашитите услуги за счетоводно приключване ще бъдете спокойни, че документите са изрядни, а вие съсредоточен върху задачите от бизнеса.  Моля, попълнете формата за Оферта, за да получите неангажиращо индивидуално предложение. 


Social support and benefits in different situations.

The state offers many benefits, as well as educational programs related to people’s lives, aimed at helping them in different stages of their lives.

The grants are divided into 7 main groups with many subgroups. It all depends on each individual situation.

The main aid groups are:

⇒ Help and financial support if you are looking for a job.
⇒ Assistance and financial support if you are temporarily disabled.
⇒ Help and financial support for families.
⇒ Assistance and financial support if you are disabled or have an illness.
⇒ Help and financial support if you are caring for someone
⇒ Help and financial support if you are on a low income
⇒ Assistance and financial support in case of death

Contact us through the indicated contacts, and we will look into your case and assess whether you meet the conditions for support and benefits in any of the categories. As a result, we will discuss your options.

Other services

Order certificates

You can order via us:

⇒  Marriage certificate
⇒  Birth certificate
⇒  Death certificate
⇒  Others


You can order a consultation on a topic of interest. The consultations are happening via phone after we book a date and suitable time.

Company registration

The registration of a company is the process that you must go through in order to officially start your business. For Ltd (limited companies), NPO (Non profit organisations), LLP, and charity the registrations is done via Companies House.

For sole traders the registration of a company is done via HMRC.

How to choose the most suitable business structure for my business?

The best business structure is dependent on your personal and unique circumstances. Influential settings could be such as: how many people will be managing the organisation, are you going to receive only salary, only dividends, or both.

The process of registration and the steps are evaluated based on your goals. The service of registration of organization which we can offer you is guaranteeing you that your business will start operating within the deadline and without extra complications. 

⇒ Registration of Sole trader                                Price:   £140 
⇒ Registration Ltd company                                  Price:   £100
⇒ Registration of other type organization    Price:   Depends on the organization